
Involvement of the social partners to set up advisory boards on vocational training issues

Involvement of the social partners to set up advisory boards on vocational training issues

Since August 2019, according to a decree issued by the Ministry of Vocational Education, advisory boards made up of social partners are to be installed in the public vocational schools, which have to deal with needs-based vocational training.


To achieve this goal, bbw initiated in 2020 a series of 4 workshops and 3 meetings with the regional presidents of the employers' association UTICA Sousse, UTICA Siliana and the general secretaries of the trade union organization UGTT Sousse and UGTT Siliana in cooperation with the partner vocational schools.

During the extraordinary COPIL meeting on February 17th, 2021 with all Tunisian partners, the importance of these advisory boards for a better dialogue between vocational training centers and cooperating companies and for more needs-based training offers and content was emphasized. With the validation of the 2021 activity plans, further steps were defined with the Tunisian vocational training agency and first workshops up to June 2021 were taken into account.

The Educational Association of the Bavarian Economy (bbw) gGmbH carries out the project Vocational Training Partnership Tunisia with the Tunisian Vocational Training Agency and 5 public vocational training schools. The BBP Tunisia project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through sequa gGmbH.