10 trainings per site
10 project partners

Operating Company

Work-based learning in the field of mechatronics

Work-based learning in the field of mechatronics

In Hunedoara, Timisoara and Kavadarci, modern learning methods and work-based learning are the focus of training by the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw).

Since September 2015, the bbw has been responsible for retraining teachers and trainers in Romania. The aim of the collaboration is to incorporate activity-oriented learning methods in mechatronics training more intensively in the local area. At the same time, new modes of cooperation will be developed between vocational schools and training companies, so as to respond more proactively to the needs of companies when carrying out the training.

Training so far not oriented to the needs of business

The European Commission recommends scaling up work-based learning in Europe. In general, companies in Romania and Macedonia have not been actively involved in shaping vocational training up until now. In this context, the bbw covers the vast majority of retraining for teachers regarding dual elements and activity-oriented procedures during training.

Progress through retraining and exchange

The partners develop materials for planning lesson and exams with support by the bbw as permanent guidelines for implementing the training as well as for promoting quality and transparency. These utilise instruments of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).

Those responsible locally adapt the teaching content to the needs of companies, building on seminars and mutual exchange, thereby increasing the relevance of training to the labour market. This strengthens the ability to employ young trainees, while making it easier for them to make the transition into the world of work. The long-term effect is to reduce the risk of youth unemployment.

The project is financed by the EU Erasmus+ programme and is set to end in September 2018.


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