
bbw introduces Blended Learning in Vocational Education in Mozambique

bbw introduces Blended Learning in Vocational Education in Mozambique

bbw staff member Hans Schröder and Adelino Mathe, President of the Mozambican Association of Private Vocational Training Institutes (AMEPP) sign a cooperation agreement to create a new approach to "Hybrid Education".

The Covid-19 pandemic made the importance of digital support in education worldwide obvious. Therefore, with financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and sequa, bbw has launched a blended learning project in Mozambique. With a mixture of face-to-face and online teaching, this is intended to provide vocational training in Mozambique with new ways of providing education to young people everywhere in the country. The head of the Department of Higher Education and Vocational Training at the Sofala Provincial Secretariat of State, Nilton da Fonseca, described this initiative as "important and forward-looking". He pleaded that especially the technical education institutions should have suitable tools to be able to conduct both forms of teaching.

The aim of the project is to make the content of the first year course content for ship and freight agents digitally available to students, so that they can learn from anywhere. For this purpose, the training content will not only be put online statically, but courses will also be held live as webinars.

To prepare and implement the blended learning offer, trainers and instructors have to be trained so that they are able to create and implement such trainings and offers in a pedagogically sensible way and later to pass on their knowledge to other educational institutes as multipliers. In the first phase, bbw trains a certain number of trainers in the digital preparation of learning content and the implementation of online trainings. These are then to give continuity to the process, both in the production of content and in the operation of the platform. According to Adelino Mathe, the project will definitely contribute to high quality education. 
