
IT project in Turkey enters the 1st round

IT project in Turkey enters the 1st round

Three IT courses with 15 participants each started in Kilis in March 2018.

Refugee women from Syria and disadvantaged Turkish women are trained for twelve weeks in the areas of occupational safety, MS Office, web design and entrepreneurship. A total of four runs will take place by April 2019.

The Turkish teachers had previously been prepared for their teaching activities in a bbw training course on "Introduction to Teaching and Entrepreneurship". Throughout the project their knowledge in these areas will be deepened in further train the trainer activities.

The bbw Group conducts the IT training in cooperation with Turkish partners. The project is embedded in the TAMEB project ("German-Turkish Partnership for Skills Development"), which is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and carried out in cooperation with sequa gGmbH.