10 trainings per site
8 project partners

Operating Company

Improving training in cutting mechanics

Improving training in cutting mechanics

Further training and work-based learning are what counts in Brasov and Kysucke Novo Mesto.

The Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) has been developing training centres locally with partners in Romania and Slovakia since September 2015. The knowledge imparted in this way is oriented towards the dual training system in Germany. At the same time, the regional, cultural and economic requirements in the partner countries are taken into account.

Exchange between vocational schools and companies ensures the vocational training is tailored to requirements. This enhances the attractiveness of the vocational training while improving the employability of the local youth.

Major need for further training

At the Brasov and Kysucke Novo Mesto sites, the partners companies have begun to build up a structural collaboration with the local vocational schools in the past few years. The bbw covers the resultant massive demand for methodical-educational training for the teaching and training staff.

Training for local vocational training personnel 

As part of the project, the bbw organises workshops for practical training. Here participants can exchange experience, while gaining a greater understanding of various training structures during visits to Germany. In addition, teaching and examination materials are developed, these following the procedures of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). Learning results are divided into learning units and assessed.

After completing the project, trainees will benefit directly from the new training methods.

The project is financed by the EU Erasmus+ programme and will be in place for three years. It is set to end in August 2018.


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