
Organic Egypt – Promoting Organic Agriculture in Egypt

Organic Egypt – Promoting Organic Agriculture in Egypt

After thorough evaluation by an external consultant from Switzerland, the project "Organic Egypt - Promoting Organic Agriculture in Egypt" was approved by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and sequa gGmbH for a further period of three years.

The consultant found that the project makes an important contribution to creating high-quality jobs in agriculture and to conserving natural resources in Egypt. The participating farmers' organisations were able to improve themselves and to develop and offer numerous new services for the farmers. The structures that have been created shall serve as a forum for all farmers' associations, also beyond the project period. The organic market in Europe is growing by 8-10% each year and offers good export opportunities for Egypt. In the new project phase, bbw supports the partner to create a national network of all organic associations and seeks to deepen what has been achieved so far.
