Promotion of vocational schools for disadvantaged young adults

Promotion of vocational schools for disadvantaged young adults

bbw international offers profiling, vocational preparation and support for integration into the labour market - a cornerstone for the professional future of many young people.

bbw international offers young people practice-oriented vocational training in cooperation with the Ethiopian partner Don Bosco in the capital Addis Abeba. In addition to the vocational training itself, bbw provides support in skills assessment prior to the start of the training as well as follow-up support and job placement for the trainees after they finished the training courses.

Increasing demand for qualified workers

With approximately 110 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. Almost half of the population is younger than 15. Among them are many disadvantaged young people who have neither access to vocational training nor to the labour market.

Ethiopia’s economy is growing rapidly, which creates an increased demand for skilled labour. At the same time, vocational schools in Ethiopia are not very practice-oriented and lack professional equipment for practical training.

BINA vocational schools offer young people free vocational training

The project is based on the three typical BINA pillars: Vocational orientation, vocational training and job placement. For this purpose, bbw international adapts proven instruments for training and labour market integration from Germany to the conditions in Ethiopia and trains local instructors as future multipliers for six different occupational fields. 

Vocational preparation also includes a one-month internship at a local company, where the students gain insight into a work environment and have the opportunity to establish contacts.



The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through sequa gGmbH.Project period: 01.12.2020-31.12.2023